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How can I access insights into the total offers available and the total offers utilized across all categories? 
Dalim Bhattarai
Dalim Bhattarai
Updated On 2024-05-09

Follow the steps below to access information about the total available offers and total availed.

  • Log in to the platform using your Vantage Account that has Admin access.
  • Click on the profile icon positioned at the top right corner of the page, and then select “HR Admin” from the dropdown menu.
  • Select “Vantage Perks” from the product dropdown menu next to the company logo at the top left of the window.  

Here, under “Overview” you’ll find comprehensive details about the total number of available exclusive and cashback offers, including the number of employees visiting the offers. 

If your employees are spread across different countries and departments, utilize the filter feature to obtain relevant information based on location, department, and time period.

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You can also write to us at support@vantagecircle.com

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