Admins can use Vantage Pulse to learn more about their company’s current engagement levels and trends over time. Unlike traditional surveys, the Vantage Pulse survey is more effective because employees find it extremely simple to use and can complete it in minutes.
Admins get full access to all the features of Vantage Pulse, including the following:
1. Overview of the organizational engagement data.
2. Detailed analysis and reports of the engagement scores of the entire workforce, that’ll help you identify your company’s strengths and weaknesses.
3. The ability to create and choose the type of survey, the target audience of the survey, and the duration of the survey.
4. Survey admin will be able to follow up on anonymous employee feedback via an easy-to-use chat interface.
The Vantage Pulse survey dashboard categorizes and centralizes your survey results in one place, providing you with a structured and meaningful overview of your company’s engagement data.
To access these features, go to dashboard.vantagecircle.com