How is the budget managed in the case of self-nominations?

Barasha Medhi
Updated On 2024-08-14
The way budget management is handled for self-nominations depends on how your organization has set up the award system. There are two main scenarios:
1. Approver-Based Budget Deduction
In this setup, the award budget comes from the approver’s funds, not yours. Here’s how it works:
- When you self-nominate, your personal recognition budget remains untouched.
- If your nomination is approved, the award amount is deducted from the approver’s budget.
- In cases where there are multiple levels of approval, the final approver’s budget is usually used.
2. Nominator-Based Budget Deduction
In this scenario, your self-nomination taps into your own recognition budget:
- If approved, the award amount is deducted from your personal allocation.
- This approach encourages you to be thoughtful about when and why you self-nominate, treating it similarly to how you’d nominate a colleague.
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