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What is a Rule setting? How is it done?
Dalim Bhattarai
Dalim Bhattarai
Updated On 2025-03-13

Rule setting allows organizations to define customizable criteria for allocating and managing budgets in line with specific operational needs and preferences. By using rule settings, administrators can tailor how budgets are distributed on the organization’s goals, structures, and employee allocation strategies. 

Rule setting steps: 

Step 1: Visit the Admin Dashboard and select Vantage Recognition from the header bar.

Step 2: Navigate to Budget Automation and select Rewards Budget.

Step 3: Choose an existing Budget Automation Cycle to define or set rules.

  • If you need to create a new cycle, click ‘Add Budget for Another Country‘ and configure a new cycle as needed.

Note: If no budget cycle has been set up before, click ‘Get Started‘, configure the budget cycle, and define the rules.

Step 4: Click the edit icon next to the budget cycle on the right.

Step 5: On the Rule Configuration page:

  • If setting up for the first time, click ‘Add Rule‘.
  • To add additional rules to the budget cycle, click ‘Add New Rule‘.

The process is divided into two parts: 

A. Rule Identification: 

Add a title and description to clearly define the rule’s purpose. 

B. Setting by Budget Holder Type: 

Configure rules based on the Budget Holder type: Individual or Reporting Manager, including inclusion/exclusion criteria and allocation methods. 

A. Rule Identification: 

1. Provide a Title and Description for the rule. 

  • This step is crucial as it helps you recall the purpose and context of the rule in the future. The details will be displayed on the Rule Summary and Configuration Page.  

2. Select the Budget Holder Type

  • You can choose between Individual and Reporting Manager

B. Budget Holder Type: 

B-1 Individual Budget Holder 

1. Selecting Budget Receivers: You can choose one of the following options: 

  • To Everyone: Allocates budget to all, with an option to set exclusion criteria. 
  • By Platform Role: Allocate budget based on user roles on the platform. 
  • By Grade: Target allocation by employee grades. 
  • By Email: Specifically select individuals based on their email addresses. 

2. Exclusion and Inclusion Criteria

  • If “To Everyone” is selected, specify the exclusion criteria to exclude individuals from receiving the allocation. 
  • For other selection types, specify the include criteria from the available list, eligible for the budget allocation. 

3. Budget Allocation Amount

  • Enter the budget amount to be assigned to the selected recipients, those are eligible based on selection. 

Note: In this workflow, only a fixed budget can be allocated to the selected recipients. 

4. Verification and Saving

  • Verify all details entered in the rule configuration. 
  • Click Save and Proceed to be applied to the allocation process. 

B-2 Reporting Manger as a Budget Holder 

When you select Reporting Manager as the budget holder type, follow these steps to configure the allocation: 

1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: 

  • Define who will be included and excluded from receiving the budget allocation based on eligibility criteria.  

2. Selecting the Budget Allocation Method: 

  • Fixed Amount: Assign a fixed budget amount to all eligible managers. 
  • Budget Per Reports: Allocate a budget based on the number of direct or indirect reports under each eligible manager. 
  • Budget Per Reports Per Grade: Allocate a budget based on both the number of direct or indirect reports and the grade of each eligible manager. 

3. Finalizing the Rule: 

  • After filling in all the required fields and configuring the criteria, verify the entered details for accuracy. 
  • Click Save and Proceed to finalize and apply the rule to the selected allocation cycle. 
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