Badges are a customizable, non-monetary form of recognition. They can be used for spot recognition, such as welcoming a recruit or appreciating a colleague for exceptional performance. These meaningful, intangible gestures help foster emotional connections between peers and contribute to building a strong culture of recognition within the organization.
As an Admin, you have the privilege to configure the Badges you want in your platform.
Configuring Badges (Non-Monetary),
Step 1: Visit the Admin Dashboard and select Vantage Recognition from the top header section of the window.

Step 2: Click Configuration on the left panel of the window and select Badge
Step 3: In the next window, fill in the details such as:
- Badge Name: Choose a name for the badge (e.g., “Pat on the Back,” “Kudos,” etc.).
- Badge Description: Provide a brief description of the badge, which will appear at the bottom of the badge.
- Organization Values: Select company values that align with the badge. They will appear on the feed along with the badge.

- Advanced Filtering Options: Activate the toggle button to enable advanced filtering options. If enabled, you can choose from the pre-created filters or instantly create a new filter by clicking on “Create New Filter.”
- Include Certificate: Activate the toggle button to include a certificate along with this badge.
Step 4: Based on your setup for the badges, either the Question Wizard or Category option will be displayed:
- Question Wizard: Select the responses to the corresponding questions to map the badge for easy filtering. You can create multiple combinations of responses for mapping. Simply click on the “Add New Combination” button to input the responses and map the badge to additional combinations as needed.
- Category: Choose the most relevant category that aligns with the badge being created. This helps in organizing and filtering badges effectively.
- If needed, you can also create a new category by clicking on the Assign another category option just above the Next button.
- Once you fill-up the required fields proceed by clicking Save & Proceed.

Step 5: Next is to create the badge, either select one from the default images or upload a custom image by clicking the Upload Image button on the right panel of the window.
- The image should be transparent with dimensions 512×512 pix and type – PNG.
- Once uploaded, the image will appear in the Company Images section.
Step 6: You can also customize the background color by clicking the Background tab on the right panel of the window. This color will appear on both the platform feed and in the mailers.

Step 7: Click Save to save the newly created Badge.