There may be scenarios where revoking points from a user becomes necessary, based on the organization’s policies or specific circumstances. For instance, during a nomination process, an error might occur where points are assigned to the wrong individual instead of the deserving employee.
In such cases, the platform provides an option to rectify the situation by revoking the points and ensuring accurate recognition.
Revoking points in the Vantage Recognition platform is simple. Follow the steps below:
Step 1: Visit the Admin Dashboard and select ‘Overall‘ from the header bar.
Step 2: Click on ‘Points Revoke‘ located on the left panel of the window.

Step 3: Now, search for the employee by name or employee ID from whom you need to revoke points, and select them to proceed.
Step 4: From the list of awards the individual has received, select the specific award you wish to revoke.
Step 5: Click the ‘Revoke‘ option next to the selected award.
You have successfully revoked the points.