You can claim missing Vantage Points on all eligible transactions. When you visit a retailer via our platform, our systems automatically start tracking the session and record an ‘exit click’.
If you do not get an email from us about your Vantage Points cash-back, it is likely that somehow the retailer has missed the transaction. You can raise a request to claim missing points by filling out a simple form.
To raise a missing points request:
- After login, click on your Profile picture on top right corner.
- Select View Profile from drop down.
- On left panel, click on Missing points under Vantage Points section.
- Fill up the form and click on Submit request.
In these cases, we contact the retailer and do our best to allocate the missing Vantage Points. However, in most cases, one of the following could be the reasons as to why the Vantage Points were not credited for a successful transaction:
- The purchase was returned, canceled, or the order was amended.
- The purchase was not completed online with the necessary or required steps.
- You did not comply with the terms and conditions listed on our website and/or the retailers’ website.
- A voucher code or gift code that was not authorized by our website was used.
- The retailer has ceased the offer.
- Internet cookies were disabled, and hence the tracking could not be completed.
- The 24-hour shopping session that begins when you click on the link may have expired.
- Landing and exit(payment) pages did not load properly.
The best thing to do is to stick to the retailer’s terms and conditions and ensure that you follow the recommended process to minimize the risk of anything going wrong.